friday- going to see down in the valley at the tyneside, then popolos for a few after saturday- watching england in the lonsdale, then drinking for the rest of the day, probably ending up in bulletproof sunday- recovering from the previous two days
Friday - finish work early, shopping, back into town meet the Cardiff lot for a few drinks, head to overboard Sat - Watch the match in town Sun - BBQ
tomororw of to london for a confrence thurs sum techno night at cosmic friday work then junior g sat work sun work
the only one i will miss is poland v ecuador- even someone as cool as me can be forgiven for missing that one No? i wonder what your weekend is gonna involve then?
Friday daytime - take my little boy to Wet & Wild Friday night - Junior G Saturday day - :sleep: :chill: :drunk: Sunday - Work
i'm not doing much this weekend due to a lack of £££ friday, probs just chill and :chill: saturday, cans, ENGLAND MATCH, :chill:, BBQ sunday, bowling then watch whatever footy is on
Friday = The Calm before the storm !! , Watch the world cup openeing games few beers let the tention build and then . Sat = NESS's stag do ... Bus from his early on sat morning hammerd by the timne we get to Blackpool out into the hotel and watch the match then party whilst he performs his ridiculous stag do tasks one of which involves snogging a horse . Sunday the stag do continues monday il either be in the rvi or the cop shop Cant fooking wait !
i'm not defo yet, but friday think i'm going junior g for a bit then to wax on afterwards, work the rest of the weekend
Friday Daytime - Assesment for job in Edinburgh. Shitting myself... Friday Night - O'Bir and O'Callaghan @ Cosmic Saturday - Match, BBQ & :chill: :beer: - then - Shindig for Fanciulli and MTV Sunday - Just hope it's not the same as last Sunday, I don't wanna die again
me and granty are going on a rampage of the streets of newcastle so we hav storys 2 tell the board and our grankids
Thursday - possibly working - hope not though cant be arsed Friday - was going to head up 2 JG after work but have work on the Saturday day so seems pointless Saturday - like I said work in the day, work on the night Sunday - do some revision as I have an exam on monday which Im very scared for Generally just not do much with the exams coming up now! I cant wait till they are over! :wiggle: Also next monday its 2 weeks till Im off to Ibiza
Friday - i need a night in Saturday - Lonsdale for the game and then dunno Sunday - playing on the Tokyo terrace with the habit kru