Weekend thread You know tha score .... what are you up to and who are you up to it with? Me - home for an early night to recover from my football injuries (first time ive played in maybe 5 years - pulled my shoulder) unless someone gets in touch and intercepts me on my way home. Wouldnt mind going clubbing or getting various shades of messy but kind of hoping that i can just go home and give my liver a break for once. Sat/Sun - DVD's, music and shopping. More quietness.
Tonight few drinks at Natalies. Saturday day see my little boy, night Godskitchen @ the Arena. Sunday not a thing due to an 8am start on Monday morning
Quiet weekend ahead - Tonight - taking it easy, gonna watch Amytville Horror. Sat - Got to dump my old kitchen at the skip and clean up the leaves in my garden. Gonna go for something to eat then to the pictures for Saw2. Sun - Finish off some paint work and finally set up my TV surround sound system. Watching all the football and some films. Looking forward to this weekend more than I was going out last week. Sad as fook
Tonight few drinks at mine Saturday - match during the day Godskitchen at night Sunday - nowt at all, see what happens
Tonight, few mates coming round, including hair dresser, so drinks n everyones hair cut Sat, out for lunch then take little dude somewhere fun, Gods on the night then back to mine for some afters Sun, finish off afters then sleep sleep and more sleep
Quite quiet compared to last weekend... Tonight: Drinks locally then probably to whq Tomorrow: Relaxing during the day, maybe going to the baltic then out for tea with some friends Sunday: I'm not sure... It's my first completely free weekend since i started working in a bar so i'm not used to having all this free time!!
today - maybe a few pints after work then not alot else satda - Nowt during the day then gods on the nite !! sunday - nowt monday - off work
tonight nothing tomorw move house unpack on the night sun go laugh at the states at frans then nothing be stressed to bits like but worth it in the end
Tonight - Just a few pints after work, moving some stuff into me new flat, then out in shields. Saturday - Godskitchen :finger: Sunday - Godskitchen after party Monday - Day of recovery
Not much really...shame i aint coming home for the arena ....saying that it'll be full of charvs and you's will spend loads!! Tonite..... Going to meet the B/F form work in liverpool, then a stop of shopping, then staying at his Tomorrow..... Lie in!! Out for luch/tea, then down to the Docks to watch the fireworks, then back to a house party.. Sun....Another lie-in, make the sunday lunch and planning cos back at school on mon...
Tell me about it mate, don't wanna get too hammered or spend too much cos of tomorrow... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it
Today - houswork and final preparation for gods! tommorrow - meet the others in the pub at 2.00pm and start the drinking, get the bus and then end up in newcastle shortly before 9.00pm in a mega state! sunday - Bus back to glasgow straight after the event....and back home to see my other half who i havent seen for 6 weeks. I hate to imagine the state i'll be in by time i get home!
I'll have a good chuckle tommorow afternoon/evening then when your feeling rough as fuck from the 'superb' shields night oot
Tonight - Liquid Soul to see some dude from Hospital Records Tomorrow - Flyering probably Sunday - Mams for dinner I think