Weekend Hi peeps What's everyone up to at the weekend? I know most peeps are out for Jimmy's Birthday (Happy B'day Hun). Whats everyone else doing the rest of the weekend! Im bored at work and just wondering what you r all up to
work til 1 tonight, then work again tomorrow night, then off to 55º on sunday to drink enough to make up for working fri and sat night, i've heard the dj's not up to much though
I'm staying in all weekend. can't afford to go out cos I've just bought a new washer. Don't bother me though cos I've got kittens to keep me amused now
one of my mates has jsut moved back to newcastle so im off on the lash... then back to the bat cave in fenham to torture some quality munters... winner - after that its none stop dissertation fun
I knew someone was gonna say something along those lines:evil: :evil: :evil: I'll put you in it if you don't watch what you're saying :evil:
When Charlie arrived I stayed in I didnt dare leave him anywhere as he managed to get to anyhtign and everything! In fact he still does! He was soo cute thou, not soo cute now he is evil love him thou :evil:
They keep hiding everywhere. It took me ages to find them this morning when i got up! All of a sudden Dave Jumped out from under the throw on the settee and started attacking my feet! He kept crawling up my legs last night aswell!
out in york tonight with the g/f for a meal. saturday, back to yarm in time for soccer saturday and lunch in the pub, stay in pub till early evening, bottle of vodka, goto retro at tall trees (1st time i've been clubbing since november ). sunday, out for sunday lunch, prepare presentations for mon & tuesday.
fri - work til 7 then go to amy's to paly with kittens & have a :chill: sat - at work 10 - 6 then a have a meal cooked by Ken & then flicks sun - yarm for sun lunch with Ken & then probs watch vids on the nite time!! :chill: apart from working which is :evil:
Orr sounds like a nice weekend. What you going to see at the flicks as me and Chris were thinking about going? might see if I can persuade him to cok Sunday dinner too! I might be pushing it thou!
Tonight - Work, West Wing Marathon Saturday - Gonna spend the full day watching football seeing as im off work. Then off to arcane! Sunday - wake up at 10 bacon buttie then off to work till 8:30.