Westenders Ive just caught the end of it. the bit in shindig was gud i noticed promise's very own pete robinson in the crowd.
Who was on? As in which dj? Just wondering if i was there cos i have a vague memory of cameras one time.
not the best episode theres been though it was weird seeing it in shindig! my missus was looking to see if she was on camera behind the bar, though i saw one girl i know that works there classy girls though eh??
i felt sorry for the old guy who had to sell his house and did anyone see the old dear at the end with the mohican and loads of make up? im already excited about next weeks now!
I switched off after a minute. I thought I was going to be watching a programme about Northern Soul mecca the Casino in Wigan! Seems I was looking at the listings for the Granada area.
the faith healers in next weeks though i think and this old dear with a huge punk mohican and loads of make up worth watching just for that me thinks!