What is clubbing about for you? lets put it all into perspective.... like doggie says, there is a mixture of different clubbers, some who go out to listen to a certain DJ, some for the tunes, some for the mixing, some just to dance, and some just socialise. So you could say this is why we have different 'levels' of DJ's. First and foremost a DJ is an entertainer, whether he/she does it by their mixing skills, scratching, tune selection or simply just working the crowd, and whether they do it for the money as a job or see it as paying hobby/passion they MUST entertain. The top DJs (best of the best) can obviously succeed in all these areas, although may not be strong in the odd field. But each DJ to their own entertains in their own little way, with whatever skills they have and thus creates their own following and support of a selection of clubbers. At the end of the day we all have our own tastes and what we go out clubbing for. My personal view is club culture hopefully should be about the dance music... the MUSIC. Thats what its all about right? It should be about yourself and friends, going out socialising, for the music and being entertained for the night/weekend. But is it actually just for that now? Like someone said in another thread - is trance getting too serious? but in reality shouldnt it be - isnt clubbing getting too serious? ie. picking faults with DJs, slagging them off when they play badly (which is probably once in a blue moon and they probably have a reason) such as the mentioned DJs that have played at promise and have read the comments posted. as an example: Who cares if John Kelly had a one off night, didnt he play some good tunes? So a couple of his beats were out, so what!! You must have been standing around listening to every mix rather than enjoying the music and enjoying your night. Seems like these 'trainspotting' people dont know how to enjoy themselves. Just a point that i think a lot of people are forgetting about the core of going clubbing and the whole scene in itself... i thought it was all about the Music, but now it seems a lot of people are taking it too seriously. So what is it about for you? Why do you go clubbing?
DJs, music, tunes, atmosphere, the club, socialising, dancing, mates. i am a trainspotter sometimes.....but i do know how to enjoy myself.... its all about tune selection!
obviously a night of top mixin isnt bad, but i never go home and say eeeehhh... remember that bix of blah blah blah! but i do go back and talk about the tunes knocked out! its totally about havin a good night out wit mates and socialisin though! mixin is vital tuneage is vital, havin a laugh and a good nights wit ya mates... was goin to say priceless.. but ill not! just v. important!
same as..... tis about the music, the DJ's, the people, the atmosphere, and just the night in general. all work together to make it a good night, if one thing is missing, the night goes down in my opinion, but if all are presant, then i have a good night!! its also about the way i feel on the night too, if im not up for a good night, i usually dont end up having a good night, so its not only about what other ppl can do to make me have a good night, but also what i can do!
yeah glad to see all this, im just following on from Disco Drews thread bout technical ability and why should a night be ruined just cos a dj misses a series of beats and people walk away slating him/her.
lol but does the lack of technical ability in a DJ bother you, or would it spoil your night if he/she dropped a couple of beats now and then?
it wouldnt spoil my night, coz there is so much more to clubbing than just that. yeah id think "ooooh, that was a dodgey mix" but i wouldnt get hung up about it and think "DJ X is propper wank, im never going to see him/her again" coz all in all ill more than likley still have a good night if all the other things are bang on i.e. my mates, the tune selection etc.
All of the above! I don't mind if a DJ drops the odd beat here and there, but a whole night of shocking mixing will spoil things for me. Same with tunes - as long as I can recognise the odd one I am happy, and as long as the majority are good (in my opinion anyway, and that doesn't mean only of a certain genre) I can deal with the odd duff one. I do think people take clubbing far too seriously though. It is supposed to be about having fun! If the mixing isn't spot on for every single mix, or the DJ has a different mixing style to the one you prefer, or if they don't play your favourite mix of a certain tune - SO WHAT? I think a lot of clubbers these days have lost sight of where it all started, and you get some people going because it is the in place to be, or a big name DJ is on. Some of the best nights I have had have been with DJs I have never heard of and music that I wouldn't normally class as my taste. I think what makes a good night mainly depends on who you are with.
good good glitter!! but there are some people now who do just go out to analyse the dj so to speak, which pisses me off, and listen to every little mix, and pick out every little detail an then mock them later on saying they were crap etc. Personally if people go out clubbing for that fact i think they r pretty damn sad... and the scary thing is there are a lot of people like that.
Pretty much, but you can't just sit around and wait for it to happen. The whole point of clubbing is that you are part of it, and the night is usually what you make of it yourself. Oddly enough though, I usually have a better time when I haven't particularly wanted to go out! If you are looking forward to a night too much, you will often over-hype it and it will fail to live up to expectations.
ok first off i do agree with everything that's been said BUT... if i'm paying £10 to see a DJ i expect their skills to be up to scratch. everyone makes mistakes, but if a dj plays a sub-par set then that does take away from your enjoyment of the night. if you went to see a film and actor x was terrible or the story was shite then it would take away from your enjoyment of the film. whether or not you complain about it tho depends i think on whether you see the glass as half empty or half full...
I agree with most. When I'm clubbing I do expect dj's to have good beat matching, if they get one or two wrong then thats that. But if someone is classed as a professional dj then I'd expect to be entertained. By their tune selection, mixing, beat matching and so on. If I come away having had a good night or 'entertained' then they've obviously done something right! Mixing is important to me when seeing a dj, but the odd missed beat here & there will happen...
It's as much about the people who go as it is about the music. Alto, good music is important too tho. Don't want no shit!
ok, well now im gonna move this onto another discussion... as people say 'mixing' or the technical side of djing is important, is this because you listen out for the mixes?? and is this because your into DJing yourself whether learning, wannabe, semi pro etc... In other words, you listen out for the mixes, nitpick etc because your a DJ yourself?
you can notice the mix even when u are not listening closely. but sometimes i listen to see how the DJ does it. if i have the 2 songs he/she is mixing, i listen to see how they do it....
I think the fact pretty much everyone is a DJ these days does affect it. Even if you are not listening out for a mix, someone who DJs is far more likely to pick up a small mistake than someone who doesn't. However everyone will hear a great big cock-up!