what was Tomkrafts last tune called? two steps forward indeed!! but was its offical title etc etc come on DJ types!!
is that not summit like 2 steps foward and 1 step back...lets get together cos opposites attract and u know.,... blaa...is it not that groovy 80's/90's cartoon cat thingy?? cant remember name!!
hmmm 2/10 lads must try harder...can any of the speccy tunespotters out there do there thing please? here's any idea could be get listings of DJs sets put up administrator types? we get get all the tune spotters to note them down then run home after promise to their PCs and put them on line..would solve headaches such as this!
the thing am thinking of is soom cool cartoon cat dude - paula abdul i think sang the vocals... anyone???
nah now was the original - fked up durty electro...does tomkraft have a website it may be on there? we could spam him til he tells us...