What's everyone up to 2day? I'm so so bored and there's nothing to do at work. Seems as if there's no good threads to join in on. What's everyone up to on this horrible day?
Am gonna go into town soon a think, probs take some shoes back and buy a few other things Its class being off but i narf get bored easily
awww, hope you feel better soon I'm at work but I just badly want to back in my bed watching TV and lounging around
recovering from global. :groovy: im just tired and bored couldnt get to sleep for ages last nite and then had to b up early for work. so not doin much as per, they havnt even got anythin for me to do and said no point in starting anythin seeing as im off on hols on friday
I'm currently feeling like shite @ npower and will be until 18:00! Then it'll be straight to Bucketsville when i get in, then bed
I'm just killing time til i goto work at 5. Watching a film called 'Stealth'. Need to sort out some things to watch while im at work as well so I dont get too bored..
shut up ... i feel like shite! i cant even find the energy to have a shower n get out of the house! i keep just collapsing on mah bed
I don't feel liek shit, but i love just sitting around doing fuck all, I'm just sat at my computer in a towel I haven't found the energy to walk to the bathroom and get a shower yet.