whats the biggest lie you've ever told. I never lie, even though my honesty is brutal sometimes but you people must have told a few porkies in your time. So dish the dirt
Told some bird that the reason i hadn't answered her texts for 2months was because i was working in a bar with jambon in copenhagen!! I had to think of something quick on the spot, and he was in copenhagen at the time!! She still believes me to this day!!
I thought you would have had soemthing juicier than that, thats last weeks news give me something better.
now i know your lying there a lie i told wen i was a child well my mate n me were playing in m back garden n wanted a drink she ahd just shot my doll over the fence though i was angry cos the neighbours just toook it of us n we wernt allowed it so we went in the house and got the milk ut but i noticed it was ou of date poured her a glass and i had water and said quick we have to down it lol she dd half way through i told her it was my mums breast milk for my baby sister lol needless to say she felt sick ha ha ha ha ha ha serves her right i loved that doll
i used to lie all the time when i was younger i lied to my mam and dad all the time bout where i was and what i was up to but im sure everyone did that i lied to the police in an interview tho when i was bout 12 or 13 ish and so did my other 2 mates who got interviewed so we all had different stories aye clever sometimes little white lies r acceptable tho dont lie to any of my mates tho
I never lie really unless its tiny ones that u can't help.. like when someone tells you something and u arent allowed to tell anyone then someone else comes along and makes you promise you don't know wnaything about what you've just been told. Its a bitch when that happens. The worst lie is prolly the one that's still on going about me being arrested. Telling me mam 3 days before the holuiday to florida had to be booked that i'd been arrested. I still haven;t told her the whole story tho. I felt like shit for ages with that hanging on my mind. A lie my m8's told a while ago was to a tramp. M8's: "Hey, theres a bottle of cider over there that hasn't been touched hardly!" Tramp: "It better not be piss!" M8's: "Nah we just seen some lads leave it there" Tramp: "Thinking; ooooh my lucky day" --Tramp wanders over to the lovely bottle of White Lightning-- Tramp: "Sniff sniff.. hesitation" Tramp: "Gulp! Gulp!" Tramp: "Uugh fuck! Yu little fuckers ahhhhhh!!! Come here!!" M8's: "HaHaHAHahahAHAhAHHhaAHahaha!!!112!!"
My dads mate regularly tells his wife that he's working away in Germany when really him and his mate are off to Tenerife to get pissed for two weeks
my mum n dad still dont know i totally fucked up an a-level exam cos i was still ratted and failed the course...and neither did uni..
Years ago i told my mum that the reason I needed to lend some money was because I had spent all my student loan on driving lessons but was so bad that the instructor told me that I should just give up. 8 Years later and she still thinks I had all those driving lessons