What's the deal with todays hardware? (laptops)

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Nov 27, 2010.

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  1. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    What's the deal with todays hardware? (laptops)

    It's been well over a year since I bought a new pc, and as always things change fast with pc hardware. My parents need a laptop and I've been given the task of finding them one. Can anyone give me a quick summary of what is considered lower tier, mid and higher these days? I know the laptop specs are going to be way shitter than a pc for the equivalent price but they're scrapping the pc in favour of something smaller.

    I've given them a rough estimate of ~£400, taking into account january savings. I saved a fortune in january a few years back so I'm hoping for the same luck this time round.

    Cheers :)
  2. 1615634792921.png

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