What's this tune called? I made a few videos from goodgreef on the 27th but they never come out very well with the amount of bass my camera picks up, but u can still work out some of the tunes and this one is bugging me. I remember it but have no idea what its called. The file is a 4mb video file encoded with divx. http://ellie.freelinuxhost.com/whattune.avi U can hear the meldoy bit at the very start then it move into nasty bass.
right, my other host doesnt let u download the file so it's at yahoo. changed it to .wmv so its a lot smaller now too. Still shite quality! Try this: http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/bc/4251c2f2_2af7/bc/My+Documents/whattune.WMV?bfRcdUCBpSTyY.1v Should work. I dunno if i like the tune but its one that stands out from the rest when i think back and try to remember some of them.. always happens when i'm in a state!
nice one, cheers m8 if u still wanna see what it is, try it in a different browser. IE opens it for me in WMP and mozilla saves it as a file.
trying to download it but with 56k theres not a lot i can do kazaa is shite, emule just queues everything althoyugh i cant find the tune to start with.. dont know much else as i had broadband and never used to get single files :bang:
Keep searchin :laugh: Try soulseek and go in a room and ask people if they have any 'Dj Gumbie' :laugh:
Ahhh fuck you all.. I typed it into kazaa and emule.. stopped for a second and realised I shouldnt ask u pack of bastards for help.. or at least a serious alswer!. I think it's a tune by dirt devils but i dunno which one it is.. that's what a more reliable source told me :spangled: