When Everything goes right How amazing is it when things just all fall into place just got a job thats going to help me amazingly with money troubles met an amazing lass and just had the best time ever
as ctrl+V'ed: hard house sets board starter pack ave been told that youve got some wicked hard house sets that a can download and something about a board starter pack?
we must have swapped luck last week i got bumped 50 euros when i was fucked in a bar, lost my boxers and nose stud shagging this lass and when i left in just my jeans and trainers got lost in the ibiza wilderness for 3 hours trying to find my way back
things r well bad for me like parents getting divirced dad drinking like a bottle of whiskey a day, i dunno wheather me gaffa is taking me on after a 3 year apprentaship of just working with him