when u mix, do u..... use the cross fader, of just the eq's? why do u do it that way? just wondering.....
Re: when u mix, do u..... I use the X-Fader, EQ and the channel levels. Depends on the mix but mostly use the channel levels with EQ.
Re: when u mix, do u..... im trying to practise using both... get some wicked effects with the mixer ive got now, the Vestax PMC 5 PRO II, not sure about new mixer im gettin, but i think i m gonna practise using both.
I don't like usin the crossfader, find it smoother just to use slide-ups, and obviously EQ. To be honest I'd rather have a rotary mixer.
The far left channel on my mixer cutsout a bit near the top so I have to use the other two, which means that one of them isn't controlled by the crossfader so I can't really use that. I always use the channels and I always use the eq's. Even when I could use my crossfader I didn't, it seemed to come in to suddenly even though its on a curve. I reckon though if I could use my crossfader I would use it though, its far easier to quickly cut things in and out but for 5 minutes epic mixes I'd use the channels as their smoother.
depends what im playing if its trance i tend to just use the eq cos i think it give u better control over the volume. for prog i use the channel faders a little but mostly the eq's. if its techno then i use the eqs, channel and crossfaders