Lee's night at privilidge seems to be doing canny , gets rammed everytime there's a known name dj on , funny crowd tho , bit of a mixture and i dont think the main rooms big enuff tbh !!!
surely foundation wont be viable after shindig and stonelove leave? i'd say that was their bread and butter stuff that paid the bills, with them gone it's difficult to see how it can remain open?
There are several new nights starting @ Foundation Bringing more variety to the club Just because they are leaving does not mean that foundation will close In fact the club will probably be busier from september It was time for a change .
rumour has it foundation is putting a bangra night on with Iraqi Kurds playing bag pipes in the back room
I will host it in my garage for a small fee one a month, i have a few spare speakers they can use also, please dont upset the neighbous tho
iv heard that foundation is up for sale shindig leaves on 9th july and stone love leaves then as well, so its only promise and smile they wont not sell foundation just coz of them promise is class and all, and iv been a reg from the start but they will sell!!!
i'm just thinking about the Flats being built ... i hope it goes like Foundation was there first i dont think its noisy bass wise just the traffic outside .. Taxi's n that ... we are'nt really a loud bunch either, not like Ikon hometimes used to be, but things change week to week ! can't wait to be at the new nights planned @ foundation i forgot how successful promise are until Mark mensioned NYD n the big weekend and now the arena in November. Promise and Smile being left is inviting from a promoters point of veiw i' reckon .. Mix Mag n ppl like them were in foundation a while back All the changes shud attract ppl from out of newcastle .. don't think i'll like this much.. Promise gets packed enuff sometimes... like when i look over the balconi i'm like wuw ! If people ask where the best place is in newcastle to club is, i do say Foundation like Sunderland seems inviting also.. i'm really p'd off i didnt go to the big weekend. But that aint foundation is it! i think sometimes cooling down sets at the end of the night ..bad crack .. but em thats just because they make a brake.. but i'm ramberling now .. just for the sake of after parties Ahem*
hhmm... just have to see how it all pans out... seems weird shindig moving after so long and they're still doing ok... but - a change is always nice