Where in Town/Metrocentre can I get a video cassette transferred to CD? I want to get an old video recording from christmas 91 or so put onto cd. It's either still on one of those little tapes that went into old recorders or it may be on a regular vhs tape. Anyone know where I can get this put onto CD and how much it'll cost roughly? Also, where can you get custom mouse mats made?
Re: Where in Town/Metrocentre can I get a video cassette transferred to CD? not sure about where u can get it done but I I have a m8 that may be able to transfer it to DVD for you for a small fee.. PM me if your interested..
Re: Re: Where in Town/Metrocentre can I get a video cassette transferred to CD? Cheers, I'll let you know. I'm going shopping tommorow and thursday so I'd prefer if i could get it done then to save time. I really haven't planned my christmas shopping/gift ideas very well
I'd imagine so.. there's one in the metrocentre isn't there. I really should have done all this last week.
Re: Re: Where in Town/Metrocentre can I get a video cassette transferred to CD? I'd like to know also because when I get an LCD tv there is no way I'm going without every series of operation good guys for the rest of my days.
Re: Re: Re: Where in Town/Metrocentre can I get a video cassette transferred to CD? i have all OGG on dvd
So does nobody know of anywhere in town/metrocentre that can get my old camcorder tape(s) converted to a dvd/cd? I'm going to head off soon in the hope that I'll find somewhere but me + cold = slow and I won't last long searching around for somewhere that i'm not sure even exists.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Where in Town/Metrocentre can I get a video cassette transferred to C I never knew it was out on DVD. "of course he's not racist he's a policeman for gods sake"