Where should I start? Im clearing out my room as it looks like, I dunno just hell really. I am having a good clear out as well, should I just be ruthless and chuck out anything I havent used in the past 2 months? I want to move my bed too but theres no way I can on my own at the moment. Should I tidy first, and once everything is tidy then clean? Ohhh how I cant be arsed. It just has to be done its gone past the point of "Naaah it doesnt matter" Ive just got too much stuff
I usually find that posting about it on the internet is a good place to start when it comes to stuff like this.
When I was meant to be revising or doing assignments I would always end up doing anything but. cleaning included
I would also think about all the thing I could do when the burden of revising was over like books I could read and old nintendos I could play on again but it always ended up with night after night out on the lash once the stress is over.
Put things into piles of "Definitely for the bin", "Maybe for the bin" and "Definitely keeping". Once you have done this, get rid of the "Definitely for the bin" pile, put away the stuff in the "Definitely keeping" pile, and then see how much room you have for stuff from the "Maybe" pile. I would clean a bit first, but leave most of it until after the tidying.
Ive done one corner which I think was the worst, its actually not as bad as I thought it would be its the cleaning which is hell I wish I was a naturally tidy person! I seem to mount up stuff as well which I just dont need!
i just find a massive box and put in it everything i want to keep and chuck everything out! i need to do this avctually, gonna redecorate!
I have so much work to do as well my first exam is in 3 weeks! Its just so crazy I woke up and my exams were round the corner. I finish my exams well before everyone esle too cos thats going to be bad!
Yeah I have, I was getting sick of wading through clothes/whatever else to the mirror to see what I looked like
bin everything katie, its the best way. i throw shit out all the time i never use/wear, and never regret it
haha its fucking amazing the shit you get on with while trying to avoid revision Oh, my CD collection needs alphabetised. Fuck, my socks arent in exact pairs?! Uh-oh, I HAVE to paint my toenails