which wireless router? for a cable modem, blueyonder bb, want to connect one centrino laptop to (only goes up to 11mbps, so doesnt matter about the speed im so confused - this http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/prod...lay=both&filter_order=rating_useful&offset=70 or this? http://www.expansys.com/product.asp?code=107538&partner=register basically do i need a modem in the router? i thought not, plus the first one is etherfast - dat sound good ya? im so in need of some help. cheers
what about the linksys one? i dont need mint performace or downloads or anything i just want a basic connection, and i am REALLY strapped for cash
Theres nothing wrong at all with Netgear routers to be fair, I have one and it's superb. Had some teething problems, but a firmware upgrade later and its great. Good coverage, and very stable, only time it goes down these days is if i pull the plug out. That linksys is very well priced and will do the job fine, the netgear router there will serve you fine also, personally id get the netgear. You need to use it with your existing modem, it's the ADSL gear that has built in modems. So it will be Modem > Router > Computers
also worth pointing out that the 11mbps/54mbps etc refers to INTERNAL network speed - not your internet connection, which will be at most 2mbps, so there will be no loss in internet performance, but sending porn round the house may be a bit slower than it could be.
I'm looking for a wireless router too. Just to check I've got a comp downstairs which has an adsl modem and the other comp upstairs has a wireless adapter. I just need a bog standard wireless router? Does the adsl modem plug into the router and go from there? :spangled:
Not with ADSL, you get a Modem/Router - you plug the ADSL cable directly into the router. This is what makes an ADSL router different from just a general router With cable you tend to need them seperately.
Meh im confused. I setup a wireless network in my sisters stoodent house. They had a wireless modem/router all in one plugged directly into phone line and each comp had a wireless adapter. Just thought, seen as i already have my 2mb adsl modem from wanadoo that i would only need a router. So in other words this becomes redundant and i just get an all in one as above?
with ADSL, the modem is not what controls the speed, its the line. (As far as i know anyway). With cable, the connection is optical, hence why you hear of uncapping cable modems and getting some hardcore bandwidth. The gear you get from the ISP's is absolute shite If it has an ethernet port however then theres no reason why you can't get a Cable/DSL wireless router. If it's just USB, then you don't have much choice but to replace the lot.