Who deleted my Shindig thread?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vin, Oct 8, 2003.

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  1. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    Who deleted my Shindig thread?

    :evil: :evil: :evil:

    I thought they were allowed? :spangled:

    Its not a rival night for Promise. They are on different nights and play different styles of music. I and several others like to go to both.

    If anything i would say they compliment each other. They are both held in the same club, and in my opinion they benefit from having the other around.

    I wouldnt have thought Mark has deleted it, because when Jambon abused his powers previously and deleted a Shindig thread by Breakdown Boy, Mark wasnt very happy.

    As far as i know Mark has no problem with Shindig threads.

    As far as i know Mark goes to Shindig himself.

    As far as i know Mark gets on well with the guys who run Shindig!

    Maybe i am wrong? If the position has changed please tell me!
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