who would play you in a biographical film of ur life http://web.tickle.com/tests/stardouble/ pretty good Me - benjamin bratt magnetic man like you needs to be played by someone who knows how to get an audience's attention — and keep it. That's why Benjamin Bratt would be a great leading man in the movie of your life. Underneath your sometimes quieter demeanor, there's an undeniable attraction that draws people to you, your thoughts, and your ideals. There's just something about you that has people screaming for more. But that's a good thing since you probably thrive when you're being social, promoting your causes and getting out and about to see the world. You've just got that celebrity quality that makes people applaud, whatever you do. Even if you don't match Benjamin's lady-melting looks, his mega-star glow will help translate your charisma to the silver screen.
vin diesel ! Vin Diesel! A wild child like you needs to be played by someone who's not afraid to live life on the edge, someone who doesn't mind bending the rules a little when necessary, someone like Vin Diesel. With films like XXX and The Fast and the Furious, Vin has proven he would be perfect to play you. While you may not share his buffed-out bod (or bald head), you do share an adventurous attitude towards life — at least with the characters he's played. Back in high school, were you the one harassing the substitute teacher and freaking out your folks by driving too fast? Well, even if you weren't climbing out your bedroom window and into a carfull of your pals late at night, you probably had your own ways of pushing the envelope and making adults turn gray before their time. Like Vin, you probably still like playing hard, that's the way you can really experience life. Leave the armchairs for other people. You, like your movie star double, prefer an edge that makes you feel alive. Vin never apologizes for the decisions he's made, probably because they've been right for him regardless of what others say. Sound familiar?