Who..... took the pix of me n helen hangin off the railings the other week at john 00? i really wanna see em!!!!:groovy: :groovy:
and i really dont!!! any pic of me taken when my memory has gone missing cant be a very attractive one
AAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! thats more like how i was described as being that night!! thanks for ermm keeping that one between ourselves scott!! (not that it matters cus most people saw me hehe)
Guaranteed if I’d posted that picture you would have found an embarrassing picture of me when I was 7 to post
lol, i was going to post it myself cus its so funny...but changed my mind! Now you mention it i might dig out a nice pic i have of you on richard nesbitts drive with your tongues of your trainers hanging out and an american eagle bommer jacket on