whos goin on friday? well? bit early i know.....theres loads goin on this weekend, so i was just wonderin whos goin to promise?
supposed to be down @ yours rosh, for GG.....as u know! but im not sure if i can get the time off work to come im in neggotiations!
Having problems with those feisty library types? well ring me when you know whats going on, chris said u two may be off to sunny D, u still going?
might be @ sunndiss.....all depends on cash flow, and if i can be arsed driving! i think chris should pay for my ticket + petrol if i drive!
Not sure, be probs out drinking as Jezzabell comes back from Oz tomorrow! So will be over her neighbourhood!
Not me, but I will be down next Friday for Halliwell and Marco. See you all there for a repeat of my last visit!
i am also working as i do most weekends!!!! (working in a pub is a twat!!!!) my next trip to promise is the 13th dec!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
I work in a pub aswell, wouldn't mind so much but it's a shitty old mans pub, and too far away from promise to come in after work