Why do we have hair? Right I'm at my m8's house atm and theres only girls here and after the pissy girly convos I happened to get grief over the reason that we all have hair. They are trying to tell me that it's to reduce friction. I do not agree with this at all and have said that it's dependant on the parts of the body and in some cases its to trap dirt, or to increse sensitivity IE the arms. But I dunno if thats true I'm just guessing Apparently the reason we have most hair on our bits and arms is cos thats where the most friction is. Gimme a break is it fuck Someone prove them wrong please! I remember something to do with genitals being that it traps hormones to attract the opposite sex or something but I think that was just a theory.
your at a mates house and there's only girls there and talking about hair and sitting on here GET THEM PUMPED
wrong, we have hair to keep us cool, when we are hot we sweat the droplets get trapped on the hair, air passes through the water dropplets and cools them down, which in turn cools us down.
we have hair for all those reasons, mainly to keep us warm. Hairs also prevent the spread of bacteria, we have eyelashes to prevent things getting into our eyes, we have eye brows to prevent sweat or bacteria getting near our eyes. I have never heard of it to be used to keep us cool as we sweat to maintain body heat not so droplets cool us down.
sweat is used to maintain body heat, which is exactly my point to keep our body heat at 37 degrees the body uses sweat to keep us cool, cause if it goes over that we start to fuck up
Hair on head, arms etc is to keep you warm, as it traps air which is one of nature's best insulators. Hair in armpits and pubic area is apparently to trap smells so that we smell more (biologically we are programmed to find body odour attractive, it is only relatively recently that we are socially programmed to find them unattractive).
head hair is used to trap air to keep us warm, arm hair is for the same and also sensitivity, eyebrows are to stop sweat dripping in our eyes and making us scream like faries when it hurts. no idea about chest, pubic or arse hair tho
GET THEM PUMPED - agreed if we have hair for those reasons then why do gorillas or other animals have hair all over?
Wrong yourself, moron. We're humans, not xerophytes. Hair is generally for insulation. It increases friction with respect to resistance of air flow, which is why runners and cyclists shave their arms and their legs. Hair in pubic regions contributes more to the spread of bacteria than it does to its prevention. Apes have hair all over because they don't wear clothes. Since we've been wearing clothes for the best part of two millenia, we've evolved to not grow hair on those parts of our body which are covered by clothing. Apes still require it, so it still grows there. Every now and again, old genes resurface and you find people with hair all over. I hope this helps.
Oh, and it does go someway to increasing sensitivity, due to the proximity of roots to pacinian corpuscles (pressure receptors) subcutaneously in the skin. I think this is more adaptation and utilisation than a primary feature though. Hormones don't really exist outside of the body, particularly not oestrogen and testosterone, so that one's not right either. You still probably would have been better just boning those girls, though.
ah u know what it's like. when the girly convos start about 'becky who did this to sarah then sarah told such n such and emily went off it and now her boyfriend is doing this and is cheating on her with blah blah blah...'. You have all of 10 seconds to get some boning in before your body starts shutting down from the patter floating around the room Anyway.. at least now i can call them all thick cunts.