why is it that when you decide to take your 14 year old cousin somewhere for the day that it can get very expensive. Bus fare - adult price £4 McDonalds - he's a growing lad £6 coke in pub £2 - would have been cheaper to buy him a pint ! Burger King in Central Station - £3.59 - compared to £2 in Northumberland St. where does it all end. god knows, taxes have a lot to answer for.
what cheesed me off was the fact that at the age of 14 i had to pay full fare on the bus. ya na from alnwick like £4 each. why may I ask, its not as if the buses are trains, you know, nice and clean and effiecient and normally on time !
hahah exactly!!! ppl wudnt mind payin for public transport and using it more and more IF..... a) it was a reliable service b) the vehicles were clean c) there were more bus stops/train stations etc (i.e. easier to walk to) until this is the case - ppl will be unwilling to use it..
Top points. I mean the coach type buses they put on from berwick to alnwick to town are ancient things that hum of old ppl and piss. I'd love to stick fat cat Brown on an arriva bus or a metro late at night
ahah aye exactly!!! the ones who say "more people should use public transport" blaaaaah - shud actually try sitting on a bus/metro/train with drunken twats puking all over/pissing in the corner....then stinking the place out.... also - late at night - they r far from safe - lot of sodgy characters get on!!! "but they are equipped with CCTV" they tell us - well yeah - maybe its ok then - least when they are viewing the CCTV tape the NEXT DAY they can see who it was that beat 10 living bells outta sum1 etc....hardly keeps u safe at the time
the metro makes so much money but at the mo they cant afford to employ someone to stay on the trains late due to the amount they are losing on the sunderland line. anyway who the hell wants to work late on a fri.sat.sun just to get abuse off drunken/high charvs. I kow I wouldnt do it for £20 an hour. screw that for a laugh !
Re: why is it Not much of a day out - lol Heres how to half the cost. Sandwich - £2 Can of coke sitting at monument - 60p Pasty from Greggs or other similar fare - £1.50 Nobodys forcing you to go to overpriced places - We live in a world full of choice......
Re: Re: why is it Well in alnwick and amble unfortunately we dont have luxuries such as McDonalds, and it wasn't really that I was narked about, as you will read above, it was having to pay £4 for a bus ticket, which is adult price, for a 14 year old. Coke sitting at monument? mmm,cool, just wouldnt like to be a lass your taking out. Fish and chip supper eh ?
Re: Re: Re: why is it All this from the man who thinks the idea of a day out involves rubbing shoulders with the dregs of society... not once... but TWICE in an american burger chain, chowing down on food that isnt fit to bring pigs up on - on a saturday no less, the worst time of the week for going to those shitholes. Purlease!
Re: Re: Re: Re: why is it the day out obviously had to call at some sort of feeding point be it Harrods or MaccyD's. Somewhere quick and easy was needed hence fast food, hence maccyd's The actual day involved the snooker, pool games machines and the flicks. So who beist the dregs of society? Why do only the scum of newcastle eat in fast food chains? anyone else care to admit being the scum that eats in Maccyds on a saturday.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: why is it Hey, as much as i like macdonalds or BK, you have to admit that they are the lowest of the low in terms of eating out - On a saturday the places in newcastle resemble some kind of scrum, with any manner of rabble sitting in corners, on tables... in fact anywhere possible - while they ram a cardboard tasting burger down their throats. The fast food "experience" is tacky at best, but in Newcastle on the weekend its nearing Barbaric.... Either way though... theres nobody forcing you to eat there - that was my whole point. You made it sound like there was some divine order placed on people to visit Macdonalds or BK when in the town.
i just reread what you wrote and edited this. I know what your saying but at the end of the day newcastle is full of people who love spending money on saturdays. A quick fix is needed and yes its a like a jungle in there, but if you want, I'll cover you next time your in. Brother, its time to go go go.