Why?? WHY HAS THIS GIRL POSTED THIS PICTURE ON HER THING? Some1 sent it to me on msn and I wasn't prepared for what was about to be revealed! The worst thing is the comments people have left! They are actually complimenting her! http://www.mingleville.com/s3xysarah/pics/page-2.id-149398_view.html
Or it could be a windup? Put a pic of a class arse on there....get all the comments........then replace the pic with that piece of filth?!?!
Re: Why?? i think they're being sacastic! when you look at the picture of her face you can kinda start to understand why she thinks her arse is one of her better features...
nice ass babe wouldnt mind abit of that add me 2 msn babe plz god_901@hotmail.com xxx instant spam unlucky mate
i've just realised its www.mingleville.com and not www.mingersville.com i was wondering why people were putting their profiles up on a site called mingersville the power of suggestion i guess...