wireless help

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Fake DJ, Sep 19, 2005.

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  1. Fake DJ

    Fake DJ Electronic Dirt

    Sep 2, 2004
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    wireless help

    bought a wireless router and a wireless network card for my mates computer

    my computer links into my broadband router which connects to the netgear wireless router

    my housemate has a network card downstairs in his room

    i installed everything and it worked fine for about 10 mins

    then it disconnected and now says it cant connect

    ive tried fiddling with the antenna but it still wont work

    any1 know how i can sort it out

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Pez


    Aug 31, 2005
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    Behind You!
    Hi mate!

    1st off, download a free program called Netstumbler, install it and turn on your wireless card. This program will show you networks in your area and the channels that they are on.

    Now, in the Uk there are only really 3 usable wirleess channels [because of the bandwidth needed for the protocal to xfr data] , and these are 1, 6 & 11. If there are other networks in your area on the same channel this will really bugger up your connection, so log into your router and chnage the wireless channel to the one with the least networks in your area.

    Failing that, always update your wireless card with the latest drivers [from another machine if necessary] and then disable/re-enable the wireless card and see if it re-discovers the network again when you scan.

    If that fails, set up a connection [Ad-Hoc] between the 2 PC's to make sure the hardware is working, then if that is working connect your machine only to the router and go on from there.

    Any further problems or more help drop me a line I'll try to help!


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