Wisdom teeth? What age are they meant to start coming through? Think mine are coming, had real bad toothache for a few days -Terry said his never even hurt him tho!!-maybe im just being a wossie or something!
im 24 and i only have one that has partially come through the others are still up in my gums, might have to have them removed at some point i think the age they come through varies
yeah i think mine are, but there just killing!!- must be ready to pop through soon. I understand why babies cry so much when its teething time!!
none ov mine have come through yet but for sum reason the last time i went to the dentist he pulled one ov my wisdom teeth out before it even come through, i wudnt mind but it wasnt hurting me or anything at the time and the knob cut thru me gum to get it out!! ive never felt pain like it in my life as the needle didnt numb me gum very much either
Often they do take them out before they come through, so they don't disturb your other teeth (when they are 'impacted', and will push other teeth around). I have three fully through, and one that seems to want to stay where it is.
Ive had one come through and the pain was horrible...was up in the night withb the pain and stuff....the best thing to do is press on your gum and try and help it rip more open...sounds disgusting but helps relieve the pain!!
have had to have 2 taken out, propper fucked us, dentist was pulling one out and it snapped off leavin the root in my gum!!! had to have an operation to take the rest out, which involved being awake and my gums getting stitched up!!! nice!
They totaly nack like, it feels at times like you have been whacked in the face cos of the pain n how sensitive they are If they get that bad all the time you can get them lanced to help them come thru easier and without as much pain - it sounds horrible like but may help ?!?! It's a nightmare tho when there hurting all the time...
katies right ome ppl never get them! - lucky fucckers!!! mine have came through and theyre both on their sides so imgetting them taken out at the dental hospital, they've got to cut right into the sides of my gum/mouth cause theyre so far into the sides im getting sedated!! free drugs