Wooooo Must share my exciting news! Found out at 4am on sat morning that I won the elections at Uni for my Job next year. I am the official "Vice-President of the Union, Student Support Officer" :angel3: :clap: :wiggle: :bonkers: YEY!!!! (though I have some sort of flu now so have not been able to celebrate as was practically asleep for 24 hours yesterday and today feel miserable and full of illness!
Lots! I#d be like a manger of the union with 5 other people. My job description is so broad it goes form points a- R about things I'm involved with, I chair and sit on committee meetings. As my main area is Student support the general focus for me is the students. Listening advising etc. I will be more informed when i start training and am not so drugged up on flu remedies!
Congratulations! Is it a sabbatical post? I was General Secretary of our SU for a year, had to take a year out of my course as it was a full time position.
yeh its a Sabbatical post!cannot wait now!!bring on July as thats when I properly start! Will be doing my best Andy to keep the bar prices as they are now don't you worry!!