Woooooooooooo Fooookiiiiinnnnnnnn Hhhhhhooooooooooo Newcastle are thru....fuck all u smoggies and mackems......NEWCASTLE ARE THRU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Re: Woooooooooooo Fooookiiiiinnnnnnnn Hhhhhhooooooooooo now now children, play nice!!! - its only a game!!!! (please no-one hurt me for saying its only a game!)
it was canny tense by thge end just ask amy how much i was shaking!!!!!!!!!! fookin class tho!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING ON THE REALLY BIG BOYS!!!!!!!!!!! **GULPS** PAH NOT A PROBLEMO!!!!!!!!!!!
Its a good job I dont like footie, living in Boro would be a real dissapointment Im a motor sports person, Nascar, Indy Car, F1, WRC, .........