Tomorrows news...............TODAY is that the GERMAN is the No.1 dj in the world *source, clarki has just text saying "who the fuck is tiesto, PVD is number 1"*
if what clarki says is true, there'll be some wanking going on around @ fran & bella's the night. I bet slash is in the bogs at work now 'ganning for it'
lol clarki wud obv know first :spangled: being more important than anyone else and that :spangled: unless he paid to get the text msg thing to b told first but then i wudnt think they wud announce until tonite at the party about slash!!!!
its the same every year anyway. the only people who vote/ take notice of this bullshit is sweaty trance pill heads. *rant over*
i dunno :spangled: hes just told me aswell that pvd has won with a new record no of votes like :spangled:
pvd has had an average year, i still love him but he hasn't earned shit, armin will always be boring, and tiesto has to remember to plug his headphones in before he plays next.
lol the top 100 don't even get printed till next months It hasn't been announced yet so can't be in magazine They don't get realeased till tonight so Clarki sure is ahead of the game
This could be true. DJ mag was on the shelf this morning and it stated on the front "Record number of votes" I didn't think anything of it to be fair - Even if it was supposed to go on sale tomorrow, news agents tend to put them on the shelf the day they're delivered.
well wait and see tomorrow when i get the OFFICIAL word im not believing out tbf like cos i thought every chhese boff would go for armin and his gay music. but if he is pvd eat my shorts