Work dinners What do you all eat at dinner time? ... I'm getting sick of the same stuff and want to steal ideas. Our canteens worse than prison and hospital food.
Re: Work dinners Where i work you have no choice you either walk miles to get food or you eat at the canteen, the food is shite!! horrible processed crap (ask Geordie n Hummel!!) i have to eat there cos i can never be arsed to make me bait at home. Its gettin slightly better but i normally have jacket potatoe with cheese n beans
can't beat the uni - in term time. fresh sarnies from the union or the bar if u want somert hot. loads of choice. AND only a 5 min walk if u fancy a Gregs. although - liquid lunch today... off to the Hancock for a few pints and some chips.
our food is fucking disgusting & that's being pleasant bout it....the bread rolls cud b used as a murder weapon & the eggs r like frisbies!!!
weve got o'briens running our canteen like, still don't eat there like coz far too feckin expensive for my liking........ just bring me own.. eat at desk.. then more time for smokin!:chill:
these should b ok...part cooked then u finish them off in the's still too difficult for the window lickers at bt... did u eat the scottish bread that was as solid as a rock? tis in a loaf if that helps, can't remember the name of it tho! ....i tried it when i went to stay with my mate in glasgow...weird taste to it n all!!
Today I'm having Chinese style (microwave in 5) rice. Tomorrow I'm having Vegetable Rice. The day after I'm having Chinese Rice. I also have 4 cheese sarnies which I pick at during the course of the day. Is it good to eat this much carbohydrate when i'm sitting on my arse occasionally walking to the copier?
I have salad everyday.. Its kinda borin but I'm tryin to slim down a bit.. ALthough I have been known to get pizza and chips from the local chippy every now and again..
YToday Ive had a ham salad sandwich in a french roll with an apple and an alphen bar and Ive just had a penguin miller yoghurt ...well nice the yoghurt. Im not normally that healthy well not that the yoghurt was?? Ive out a few pounds on teh last few weeks!! But I love my food too much I exercise a bit thou! :evil:
I go to Greggs nearly every day. Or McDonalds. Or Burger King. Or Milligans.... But it keeps me happy (and podgy ) .. one day I made the mistake of getting a pasta salad instead of something unhealthy and I was starving and in a bad mood all afternoon.