Wtf I was involved in a minor accident in September, i say 'accident' but it was more of a bump (ie it happened at 5 mph). There was slight damage to my front end and this other blokes rear but at 5 mph its never gonna be serious. My intention was never to claim on my insurance and to pay for the damage to his car to save my no claims however... he is now claiming this damage put his car off the road for 2 weeks which is total bullshit and says he had wiplash never mind the various legal fees to go with sorting this It went to court (No win no fee bloke VS my insurance company) and it was PROVEN in a court of law that this accident could never have caused him to suffer wiplash yet the Judge decided that he thought this bloke was telling the truth although the facts say otherwise? The Judges reason was because he believed this bloke was being honest!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS COUNTRY COMING TO :evil: PISS TAKE
thats bang out, is there nothing else you can do? besides giving the twat real whiplash (you cant be tried for the same crime twice)
What a total cock that judge is! Those fucking no win no fee firms are a bunch of bastards aswell The very thought of that boils my piss like, very unlucky
You would have thought a major insurer like Admiral would have done something about that decision but like me they cant it fuckin stinks think i might fall over in central Whitley Bay tommorrow and claim the council have ruined my entire life :fart:
i wrote a car off bumping it a 5 mph (that was max spees, was probs going slower..) my car wasn't damaged bit of a twat tho marce
make a major stink, say you're off to the papers and the regulators etc and at least call their bluff, it might not work but if this has happened a few times you might get somewhere cos its a disgrace. bad crack bud
Well, yes, but only because no win no fee man will rape my insurance company for all he can get his sweaty fat greasy fucking fingers on :evil: A £200-£300 bill now turns into £3000 which i'm not gonna fuckin pay tbf !
i missed the d out of speed but i even went to check the car out myself cos i didn't belive i'd caused his car to be written was fooked bth tho
nah but the next bump i had was very similar & again my cars ok...i ain't had the bill for her damage yet tho
Re: Wtf its like fucking america these days.... '' i'm suein yo ass '' fuckers... go round his house and give him some propper injuries!!!
Re: Wtf I know exactly what you mean. In March this year I went into the back of another car. It was a daft thing to do- was coming up to traffic lights and I must have glanced away for all of 2 seconds Anyway I apologised, we swapped insurance details, it cost me £400 to get my car fixed which i could ill afford and then I thought no more about it. Few months later, I get a letter from his solicitor- he'ssuing me for whiplash even tho he had no time off work and left it a few days before going to the hospital. This letter was summonsing me to court- I was shit scared and thought I was gonna get a criminal record. Never having been in this situation before, I didnt realise my insurance company would sort it all out. I still keep getting letters from the court about it as it hasnt been resolved yet. I mean, my insurance company are dealing with it all which is a big relief but it has caused my no end of worry. All I did was make the mistake of looking away from the road. You'd think I had personally set out to hurt this c*unt:evil:
they are the bottom feeders, a total scourge on society. the simple truth is that if you have a genuine case then you should go see a regular solicitor, one who isn't going to take nearly half of your damages should you win. if the government had half a clue they would clamp down on no win/no fee's and properly sort out the legal aid system. meaning that people with genuine claims could choose to be represented by someone properly qualified instead of having to rely on the unaccredited morons who work for the no win / no fee's.