he's good but the song he sang the chav lil girls on council estates will think its naff. Shane will win, but that Journey South will have the best career
This is the only time Ive watched it and they are all really good. I dunno who I want to win :think: Cookee
Ffs G4 are fat/not so good luckin, just like me. I wouldnt mind havin their coin for a couple of months work!
i want the black dude to win only for fearhe will be back on the bins after the show the boro lot can get themselves back there there shit to be fair and shane well hes from manchester nuff said
The runners up from x factor, the only twats to make a name for them selves lately from something like that tbh. U shud download their shit , u wud love it
They were all worthy winners but at the end of the day Shane has the screaming girl factor and that sells records. Really good though, much better than last year! Would have liked to have seen Andy take the win though, but he will never have to be a bin man again anyway!! How rehearsed was it when Kate said "You may be a bin man, but you certainly arn't rubbish"