xbox360 with it being hd compatible does it have hd port on the back or is it and adapter to adapter to adapter kind of jobby?
It's got some sort of docking port for it's official hdd on the top. From what I've read it has USB ports, so there's prob no reason why you can't just plug an external hdd caddy into it.
i thought it would simply just have a port on the back, but nowhere says anything about it and it was never mentioned in the lauch videos saying what input outputs it had.
yeah thats what i've heard but how does it connect to a device with that resolution. It can't just have scart
I'd imagine that'd be just as bad on the cooling issue. I'm sorry but you can't expect to shoehorn a multicore processor into a box that small and not expect it to overheat. Thats part of the reason why PC towers are so big - it's just as much about ventilation as being able to fit more stuff into it.
More raw processor power doesn't mean it'll be better... Look at the PS2 and the Xbox, Xbox was more powerful on paper, but PS2 had better games (and a larger range from what I've seen, could be wrong). Developers might be put off by the complexity of it, the PS2 was supposedly an absolute pig to program. Imagine trying to code your game to run accross multiple CPU cores simultaneously with concurrency? I've done it with 4 threads (processor tasks) as part of a simple code demo on a Solaris server and it was an absolute headfuck.
where did that come from? but anyway, i'm not saying it will be better, but in terms of sales microsoft will never beat playstation till they get a share of the asian market, even nintendo sell more units than xbox because of there asian market share. The asians aren't interested in the 1 day to complete, blast everything in sight, mindless entertainment that the xbox offers. Even though those type of games are mint The games need a lot more depth to appeal to that market
Got my xbox 360 yesterday - Perfect Dark zero is brilliant.. Got FIFA ready to play aswell. The visualisatiojn thing on the cd player would outshine anything in a club aswell... its fab (Created by Jeff Minter aswell)
if it's real hdtv does it not output wxga? From what i've read alex you get a cable with the premium pack that allows you to use the HD video.