yesterday... Did my thread get deleted yesterday? Ah well... the main reason I posted it was to suggest the board was poor since a moronic fuckwit pleb called mel b... aka iany-e re-appeared. Apologies if it got taken the wrong way, but it was there for a bite and it worked Since he has been back on I have never cringed so much in my entire life. This board would be far superior without him imo. I think my opinion is shared by many other people. I'm sick of this "he's sound in real life" argument. I've met him and he was sound. BUT HE'S AN ABSOLUTE COCK ON HERE. @iany... why not go back to, they luuurved you over there.
He does my head in... I used to stick up for him but there is only so long you can. Racist, sexist bigot.
Re: yesterday... Nice to see you, you smog monster. ' but it was there for a bite and it ' wtf is for a bite. Eh, students, nowt but tax dodgers, get a job smog.
Re: Re: yesterday... I have two jobs and im a student. I pay taxes. I get little support off the government, my money comes from family, employment or loans which get paid back in full. Care to rephrase hobbit?
Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... No I want to contribute to my country. What the fuck do you do apart from sit on your arse. Just answer me one thing... why are you such a knob on here? I don't see how you can be so different in reality to a messageboard, if anything the board should bring out a more positive side.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Just cause i dont work doesn't mean i sit on my arse all day. I help the econamy pay taxes, council tax, water rates, gas, electric bills, fuel, and last but not least my season ticket
With that argument - you pay exactly the same level of taxes versus your earings as Smog does. The whole "students sponging off the state" argument was rendered invalid nearly 8 years ago when the Labour government dropped grants and introduced fee's.
Re: yesterday... The words, 'yourself, shot, youv'e, foot, just,' Please fuckwit, i thought you were intelligent, Students eh, tax dodgers, get a job.
Re: Re: yesterday... Ian - You clearly haven't got a clue what you are on about here and you're just arguing for arguings sake. Most students are in college and university because one day they want a decent job which can give good pay and be quite interesting. I wish I had went to uni when I had the chance mate, beats working in a fucking callcentre.
They slated me to be bair, i didnt have the balls to stand up to that bunch of ****s, its alright though, have no problem standing up to you ****s
You aint standing up to anyone tho, most of the shit you get into on here is set yp by yourself Ian, don't you see where you are going wrong?