Yoji at TT in May? Nicked from the GG board, not too sure whether its true or not either (bit dubious if you ask me), but line up is supposedly.......... Judge Jules Yoji Biomehanika, JFK Tom Hardy Adam Sheridan http://www1.gurn.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=189228&perpage=20&pagenumber=1
Who the fuk's "Tom Hardy" tho? Surely the TT board mean Tom Harding ?? Altho i doubt it will be cause he's due to play in April 11th at TT
Goodgreef Tall Trees Goodgreef & Judgement Sunday Ibiza Warm-up Goodgreef Album UK Tour Bank Holiday Sunday 2nd May 2004 Club M – Judge Jules, Yoji Biomehankia, JFK, Adam Sheridan & Alex Kidd House Party Meets Dusted – Judge Jules (House set), Trophy Twins, Rebekah & Denney 8pm-4am @ Tall Trees, Green Lane, Yarm £15 members & tickets
really? we saw him at passion last year an he was quality... marc west an PVD were on too... great night!