Younger Siblings..... Anyone on here have any younger brothers or sisters they constantly fight with? i dont mean a few silly arguements, like full on kicking the shit out of each other Do they really get under your skin and annoy you like nothing else, then you just flip? Discuss....
same here, although we did have a little rumble after we had been out all day on the hoy for his birthday the other week all in the name of fun
My sister and I always used to fight when we were younger and she always won 'cause she was bigger than me.. She's one of my best friends now though.
yes we did ive got the bruises to show for it but like he said its just for the crack by the way boy lovr ya te bits :fart:
I used to always fight with my brother...obviously he used to be much harder and when he won a fight i would lie on his bedroom floor and make start annoying him(when he was on computer) by making wailing sounds while crying(simular to a cat that has had each hair individually plucked...when he tried to drag me out because I was getting on his nerves I used to hold onto the radiator so he couldnt get me out. I once but him so hard he bled Even these days still if I want a lift I go in his room and throw stuff at him...if that doesn't work I start blasting music from his pc. Me = sister from hell