Personally I dont either but I know a lot of people like him!! Think he would be a good idea for Promise Hard when it starts but not Promise.
promise hard yes, promise, no. "promise isnt, and will never be sunsiss or a HH club". lets hope this statement reamins true!
didnt say he wouldnt go down well, he might do, but i dont think that promise should stard booking loads of HH DJ's. Reynolds is harder than Eddie and rob, isnt he? promise isnt a HH club, and i dont think it should turn into one. there are plenty of places you can go see HH, i would just prefer it if promise wasnt one of them. Promise hard, yes, but please, not promise!
Mos def - although there are bigger and better more well known hard dj's up norf… phil is defo a london name
Would love to see Phil Reynolds up here. There are so many London DJs that you don't really get to see up here but are amazing. I for one would love to see EJ Doubell at Promise.
If he is going to bang industrial hard stuff out then NO. But if he is another gem of a DJ hiding in HH scene then YES.
I think the main problem with the Nick Rafferty night was its proximity to GK at the Arena. However, I do see your point about Phil Reynolds, so why not put him on with another big name (depending on cost of course)? Same could go for some of the other London DJs (or anywhere else for that matter), who as previously said are amazing, but could do with a little help getting recognised up here. I was amazed that no-one had really heard of Ziad when we put him on up here, despite the fact he is one of the head guys at Tripoli Trax!
why not try a well known london dj with a lesser known? Like say k-90 and phil reynolds…pull the crowds, expose fresh dj's to the north and put on an amazing night In my eyes this completely follows the promise philosphy of bringing a variety of fresh quality talent
Phil Reynolds is def not hard for promise in my opinion. Just listening to his Frantic Residents CD and it would suit Promise easily. Eddie Halliwell has played so why shouldn't Phil. It'd be amazing to see him play. He isn't hard house at all. Defintiely get him. ASAP!!!!!!!
PHIL REYNOLDS IS A HARD DANCE DJ. Live he is much harder than Eddie Halliwell!! thats the only way to describe it... he produces hard trancey stuff, but also stuff what i d call Hard Dance, i dont think its so big up north... its hard, but theres breakdowns in it... The Frantic Albums are designed so they can be sold all over the country, so is more commercial and more trancy... the London crowd, with a large number of foreigners is different to any other crowd in the country, and goes mad to his much harder live sets... Anyhows back to original subject, he s one of my fav, if not fav DJ, seen him twice in two weeks, and both times he blew the place up 1 Mikado No Sleep (DJ Wag) Propeller Records 2 CRW Precious Life (Illogik) Nukleuz 3 James Lawson and Phil Reynolds It's A Dream Impact 4 BK & Dave Randall Ascension Nukleuz 5 Todd Tobias Nothing Impact 6 Todd Tobias We Cool Acetate 7 DJ Uto Code (Impact) Quake Records 8 Christian Driving You Mad (Impact) Illogik 9 Jez & Charlie Razors Edge (Phil Reynolds & Steve Blake) Vicious Circle 10 James Lawson & Justin Bourne Soultaker Acetate 11 Ollie P & Sinclair The Venue Nukleuz 12 Yoshi The 4th Dimension (Impact) Peroxide Records 13 BK Hardbeat EP 20 Nukleuz 14 Todd Tobias Headscape Acetate 15 Phil Reynolds & Daniel Rowe Defiance Peroxide Records 16 DJ Virus Where's Your Bass (Prime Mover) Recover 17 Paul Janes I Can Feel It (Paul Glazby) Vicious Circle 18 Paul Janes I Can Feel It (Paul Glazby) Vicious Circle 19 Exit EEE Epidemic (Edison Factor) Y2K 20 Todd Tobias I Will Return (Phil Reynolds & Steve Blake ) Impact thats his latest chart from mid sept, theres a mix of hard housers n hard dancers... But get him on in Promise, and expose the North East to the stuff everyone down here is going mad for! With 15+ nights a weekend playing "Hard Dance" and each event being almost a complete sell out 2000 people+, its seems daft not to GET THE MAN BOOKED!!!
Haven't heard much of him but from what I have heard he sounds very very good! Would like to see him at Promise!
Phil Reynolds And Chris Hampshire-Ride The Wave Phil Reynolds and Steve Blake-Phaze_2 Phil Reynolds and Steve Blake-Slipstream Mark Richardson and Phil Reynolds-Supernova James Lawson and Phil Reynolds-No_Escape k90 - Breathe - Phil Reynolds and Steve Blake Remix Nick Sentience and Phil Reynolds - Back 2 Front Nick Sentience & Phil Reynolds - Instru- Mental Heres a few tunes he's been involved in to look out for.