
Discussion in 'Music' started by Ross Ahmed, Jun 20, 2004.

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  1. Ross Ahmed

    Ross Ahmed Registered User

    Sep 11, 2003
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    Defo worth checking by the sound of things.

    If you think 2 Many DJs are good, listen to this:

    "The One Foot in the Fire mix contained almost 100 tracks ranging from Autechre to Britney Spears' instrumentals to spoken word interludes. One of the many highlights in the mix comes at the end where Ol Dirty Bastard 'Shimmy Shimmy Ya' accapella is pitted against a dreamy, melancholic instrumental from Ulrich Schanauss.

    100 copies of this mix sold out in a matter of days via a few independent outlets. Zilla's mixing style is sufficienly complex that it requires a multi-track recorder to peice all the loops, tracks and vocal samples together.

    Next up is another swap mix provisionally titled 'Double Helix Syndrome. At great cost they have been resourcing incredibly rare and macabre Private Press spoken word records especially for it"

    ......and after writing that it doesnt sound half as exciting as when I was reading the article but defo one to watch out for.
  2. 1615634792921.png

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