see the graffiti/art above along with this...
my only problem with her is she is a racist & her now husband is a thug. :dongcopter:
R.I.P :( sad news...he was a legend :)
they will always catch up with you in the end :)
hows the bump? :D
he used to work in katmandu in the toon & his mate was called Ruth who used to have bright pink dreads & funny things in her hair at promise :lol:
I hope the pilot flying the plane on thurs for me is as competent & fantastic at his/her job!! :up: He was amazing :king:
It doesn't work cos you have to prove you have changed your name... someone who comes into our place put an I infront of his name to try to get...
he had fungus growing on his body cos he was so fat...he frequently used to shit & piss himself cos he was so fat he didn't make it to the toilet...
half ton son seriously wrong...he had to get his mam to wash him & wipe his arse :sick:
do you listen to radio 1...scott mills is always on about people starting uni in a xmas they're not :lol: :(
took advantage of the le tasca, rach (cookee) & sarah (beep) saved £27 of four bill :up: :cool2:
American wants kidney back as part of divorce!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
dunno what seaosn but the one where cartmam has gingivitis is hilarious :lol:
love these a few old skool indie stuff i get out from time to time :love:
hope you brought her something back of was pikenfurter only on the menu...full of protein :p :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
who said romance was dead :love:
bless taken away twice...pike take note :lol: :p
take her out for a meal or cook her something on valentines night but book a weekend away in prague or something for later in the year when it's...
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