aunt sally the ginger haired blokey out of thompson twins and adam ant fwwwwooooooooar
i cant remember before i was 14
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUW!!!!!! BLESS YA ALL!!!!!!THANKINGYOO! im gettin too old now to celebrate em, but hey!! (sowee im so late in...
bored, hungry, tired
i thought we had to save the kids not shoot em! :eek:
hehe it was my boss that showed it to me!! we didnt do any work for about an hour! how cool is he?!
fuk no!! totally forgot it was on we had to cover it for the paper.....the bosses were....lets say.........interesting!! so i bet it was good!
well we'll just take ur word for it!!
bible code any1 been reading this book?? if so what are your thoughts?? think its quite an interesting read meself........:angel3: :angel2:
copy n paste into photoshop :)
nope im thinking of summat completely diferent! ignore me!!
oooh yeah this was on a while ago.... was dead good.... the blokey with the mad eyes was VERY scarey :(
hahaha!! hilarious!!! really should be doin some work!! 515!!! wooowooo!!
beat that!!
Tw*t The Penguin! have a go of this........ i aint done no work for the last hour, its gr8!!!! :):):):):)
hehe!! fab pix hun!! my tongues green?! urgh!! such a good it used to be! just a bit more grown up!! :):):):)
yeah i have it too :):):)
ooooh baroque is good too.......for those who like prog
bonzai! i have so many supurb tunes on this label....and it is no more! how????? is all i can say!
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