well, it's not like i wanna do it! but rite now it does seem like a much less painful alternative!
Bored? Er... yip! Currently in the middle of writing a 2500 word essay about the types of electrophysiological techniques used to examine the...
I shall be attending SS norf with the Smart man and di (and magic paul?) - taking sleepin bags for da car tho coz me and di can't afford a travel...
I'll prolly be there - and prolly will be the one driving no doubt!:rolleyes:
It feels so amazin when somefin good finally happens after months of shittiness and crap. I is well happy for you helz! you deserve it!:) :) :)
Well said Smart E. Well said:D
I'd love to go wiv ya! but have to get examz out of the way first!:( :D
Happy Birtfday me ol' chum. Sorry can't be there to celebrate wiv ya:( Will make it up to you - in more ways than one ;) ;) ;) :D
Nuff said:D
Bend over Dexy baby! :D LMFAO@Cyberdog! You are so wicked. moo ha ha ha!
Er.. tidy taber???? I mean - who the fuck does he think he is! his comments were just so unneccessary. what a tosser :mad: :mad: :mad:
Good insult there dexy. you must have a very wide, diverse vocabulary:p
Happy Birfday Hun! Mwah X :)
Yeah, Dexy baby! Gay men can ALWAYS tell gay men from straight men. you are just ooooozing gayness. That's why you always attract em!:D
Yip, yip, yip! Very good! Me liked them lots:D :D :D
Gotta agree wiv gnasher on this one!:D
You could get him really drunk and then when he's passed out you could wax his chest? Oh shit! Sorry, i forgot. Dexta ain't even hit puberty yet...
Er... no Dexta. We have already established this. You are scottish scum :p
Oh yes please! I'll just go put my bug squishing shoes on....:D
er... fink it was snarf and cyberted who brought it to me attention:D And Dexta - we all know you're desperate. there's no need to advertise...
Separate names with a comma.