:eek: my god where is all this evilness coming from alex!! i make regular trips round to hayleys house just not urs... will come round the...
no way as if!! after all these years man :( that boy will be dead soon i predict :(
hey alex man its another 7 years till i plan on having any, no need to worry now i can assure u lol!! and no fucking way would ya's phase me out...
children just enhance fun james :love: :p
aaww james....i'm sure u'll change ur mind when once of us lot has children... even if u dont want them yourself one day u'll realise how lush...
hehe keep those compliments coming alex!! :king: :) :):p xxx
oh my god how dare u all slag off children!! they are the best people ever!!! spend a day in my job and u'd both soon realise how class they...
house prices are sooo expensive been having a look online yesterday :( and james man i had u all planned out to be the godfather :( :cry: :p
i'm looking forward to a nice couple of months of doing nothing god im so lazy these days lol!! just wanna catch up with all my newcastle friends...
i know but i hate paying into my pervert of a landlords backpocket and want to get on the housing ladder....i aim to have kids when i'm 30 lol so...
i would love to believe in god and jesus, i think that there was such person as jesus and i would love to think that god was his father but it...
god could i really borrow at such a low interest rate..?!?! or isnt that low..?!?! im off to investigate!! and as for the mik thing...are you...
thank you for all your help tis really appriciated!! just waiting for mam n dad to get in to run idea past them cos cant decide whether its just...
oooo thanks pike will look into that...:) am just having one of my crazy moments where i decide that i want to buy a house now!! been looking...
he makes my skin crawl. he did even before all these allegations. he's just wrong. everything about him is wrong. eeew :(
byker... is it a totally dodgy place to buy a house or are there some okay areas..!??! looking at house prices cos wanting to buy asap but cant...
i was stuck on coach lane for three years with the only hottie being marissa, dont think i saw one nice boy on that campus in 3 goddamn years!!...
hhmmm....perhaps...i cant stay out any later than 11 tho, maybe half past at a push!! :pi just get too tired and need my bed :(
:lol: pike ur being really funny 2nite!! :lol:
dont know what it is with boys are cardi's at the mo, even my michael has one and dare i say it looks rather sexy in it...never thought i'd hear...
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