noooo stop it i dont want people thinking i made those goddamn jeans lololol!!
i have now recieved 2 pm's complimenting me on my jeans :rolleyes: :cry: :lol:
what is right about him is more of an appropriate question :lol:
aw noooo what is happening here!!!?? how dare someone register on here with the same name as me and create such horrible fashion statements!!...
i hate barrymore i always knew there was something wrong about him. who else is on it? xx
hehe!! aw man this co-incides with...dare i say it...jules playing in sunderland...i know sunderland is the skankiest place on earth but i...
hehe!! i very well may, got sooo many short dresses and skirts in that closet of mine that so need to be worn!! :p
i actually really used to like james holden back in the day may make a rare trip out and go to this one...
jesus, me being me i have sooooo bloody many, i really would be here all day even trying to recall a few of them!! these things happen so often to...
thanks for that misleading comment. it was i that ended up with the pm :rolleyes: as if i'd have created a monster of an outfit like that :lol:
no1 didnt listen to me, carl cox was just arrogant and not very nice, surely if i'd have dressed like that any dj with sense would have ran a mile...
i know im sorry im so crap arent i!! having a weekend in this weekend cos still aint well but will do whatever everyones doing the weekend after...
oh alex i can always rely on ur for mint compliments!! your money is in the post hee hee!! :p :love: xxx
my comments weren't related to them dressing the same it was just those half hacked to bits jeans that covered one leg and not the other that...
yeah but howay man if you see not one but three lasses dressed in an outfit like that then its only our natural reaction to laugh at them :lol:
things arent meant to go up your nose and obviously if u put things up their then u cant be suprised if ur nose starts to bleed and fall to pieces
people are hardly expected to look perfect in blu bambu either. for every club you go to there will always be several dodgily dresssed people, but...
hey i aint a pill head, nor am i a brown nose :evil:
i know, i was distraught when i had to have 4 fillings the other day, i've only ever had one once before and i thought my teeth were pretty much...
Re: Re: Re: back to work/college etc lolol jessica u make me laugh :p i'm the same also, i can manage to lose more weight by eating total crap...
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