Took some work home and did that. Did some washing and ironing. Sat in the garden all day today drinking beer. Finished Project Snowblind on...
Special Ed is class :lol:
Fuck the boat. Shindig was class :love:
Proper lilt is class. Your shit!!!! :p
Had the lilt one last night and it tasted like weasel piss
My old school got 72%. Only 4 schools scored higher in the area, and 3 of them are private schools, so I suppose its not too bad.
Thanks but no thanks. Don't borrow money unless its neccessary, and going out and getting trashed isn't. But I will try my hardest to be there :D
If I can afford it I will be there. But its the week before I get paid so i don't know if i can or not. But i'll try just for you :)
I might still be but I have to see if I can afford it. And you didn't talk to me on sunday so why should i think you'll take to me at wax on? :p
Are we talking about wax on? Haha I thought we were on about Tree's. Dunno what i'm doing that weekend. Tis the week before i get paid so will...
Yep. I get paid the day before so will be well rich. You can still come down for lunch on the day if you like and come out with me Fran and Tom?
Only £15 too :D
Well i hope you make it out. Although I wont be getting a taxi home with you if your feet start to hurt :p
Am not going to see him at wax:on as i'm going to some warehouse party in manchester to see him. Got the date wrong like as its not till...
Will you two shut the fuck up. I like you both, but really lads this isn't the place for you two to start bickering. :)
Nothing wrong with being short. Short women are class :love: Is that Dave Clarke thing in manchester for some warehouse party? If so i think...
Nah thats just how he is. Ended up going home with that swamp donkey thing he pulled in the club. He paid £20 for th taxi back to hers then she...
He just looked like a prick. But to be fair I was tripping my box off so everyone looked a little funky. How was getting humped by Martin?
Aye was nice to see ya. And what a knob that twat from big brother was!!! And how short was he really. I always though he was taller? You...
Dunno but would of thought £10/15 Not too fussed am leaving in 5 mins to head for newcastle so will see you kids in there
Separate names with a comma.