You're confusing the probability of this universe with that external to existence, a spagetti monster is a diety conjoured up by modern day...
lol andy you said the evidence tips the balance.... and above you've affirmed theres absolutly no evidence as to the origins of existence. if...
What evidence is there that tips the balance.... show me one shred of evidence.
HOW THE FUCK IS DAWKINS BELIEF RATIONAL?!?!?!?!? He states there is no G-d.... I am asking for one shred of evidence!!!!!! You're blinded by...
fuck off you patronizing prick. you seem pretty indocrtinated in your ways... i'm not trying to convert you to my beliefs. You tell me that G-d...
Of course you have british values, you don't date teenagers, you don't have multiple wives, you're probably against cruelty to animals :lol:...
religion is a tradition.... you're looking at it the wrong way round.
its not the same since they stopped the graffiti.
I think it's ashame that you don't define yourself as British... as its the British values that shape who you are. However, there is no...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :king:
Thats nonsense, a fundamentalist in the religious context is someone who goes back to the religions fundamentals - it was coined at the beginning...
I will teach my child in the Jewish tradition just as you will teach yours in the British. Its like me saying why wont you teach your child Zulu?
The English language, English values, English history, etc.
No, please, do not mistake passion, which can change its mind, for fundamentalism, which never will. Passion for passion, an evangelical Christian...
which 10 people does satan kill in the torah?
No jewish child is tought that religion is fact, in jewish faith schools we are taught everything from evolution to genesis (bereishis)... the...
Dawkins being a prime example. In the last 200 years communists in Russia and China killed more people because they held religious beliefs than...
You seem unable to think in an unscientific mode, faith is not a question of science... Why do you continuelyl confuse the two? No scientist...
where you living?
racist as fuck... proper sickening.
Separate names with a comma.