just white boxes for me!!!
actually yeh sorry its not proper old skool but i bet it will be a respected tune 4 a long time!!!
obviously not like that lol, watch this.. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[SIZE=3]
you seriously wont watch this film again? i thought it was class. was not in the same league as godfather liker a lot of people were sayin
very well said... hatton did us proud. a great fight people will b talkin abt this4 years 2 come
Toasted bacon bagel with grated cheese and a touch of tomato ketchup!!!! :drool:
Re: UK chooses 'most ludicrous laws' Gota love some of these! :lol:
UK chooses 'most ludicrous laws' From bbc website.... The UK's top 10 most ridiculous British laws were listed as: # 1. It is illegal to...
They look pretty mint actually! Gona have a wander round some stores in Toon to see if I can test em out :D
Fair enuf! Here's another site to check out http://www.ebuyer.com/ probably the same budget stuff tho
Novatech I got my barebones system off here, they have some good barebones systems on offer.
YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. The legend that is Jimi! I've got the woodstock DVD and its mint!!!
Ha ha! No luckily I don't! I'm thinking of getting a pair of Sony MDRV500's, they'll probably fit my head better!
He got three years so that's gona be a lot of piss!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tees/7063366.stm
What headphones do you use? I use Behringer hpx2000. Had them for three years and still work great!! I'm thinking about getting a new pair with...
Can we buy tickets in Toon or do we have to get them off tickets web?
non sticky floor... yeh i know wot u mean... but comparing it to space & amnesia is a little bit far fetched!!!!
70s i wish! thats at least 10 years ahead of my time....
Cheers, I defo had a good one last night! I almost didn't get in the club because I had all this paint all over my face from a UV house party I'd...
Cosmic Ballroom Is NICE on tonight? And does anybody know when last entry is? Had an awesome time there a while back!
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