HAHAHA. Lets see how much Ellis Short-Change stumps up for transfers this summer before you start. Considering half your squad is now off loan...
The Den has a terrace??
@GazGeordie So, to paraphrase Daly you've got a cock like a TV remote as you can never find it when you need it? @nucastle_ #GeordieShore Twitter...
Concealer?! Seriously?
I can see me getting back into knife crime if I spot any of those plinths kicking about town like.
I also could do with knowing this....
So is koos actually still open on a tuesday now? But the 'night' Koosday is now at Tiger Tiger? I suppose Apartment Group would be colossal mongs...
aye ill be going to this like.
Really? I thought it was a massive let-down!
Now im not exactly the knowledge when it comes to hardware, but i get the impression Pioneer really are last in the race now like.
Had a totally shit kip like, not helped by my lass getting up and going on holiday at 4 this morning too...
Really looking forward to tomorrow now like. Today at work is going to drag like fuck!
Post your @ links here kids! Mines @adamwardle Edit/ Fucksake I can't even spell twitter right
neeone got any stinkbombs?
...maybe i wont bother then haha.
The cuts been pulling its finger out recently like!
Imagine that lineup at Hoults Yard man.....
Wouldnt mind banking with them like, however theres not a branch in shields.
Cannit wait for this now like. The warehouse looks fucking huge judging by a video on the facebook event.
Separate names with a comma.