its okay mate..... i don't like 'em either... its not pikeys you have to worry about over here though...... put it this way.. the club i went to...
you've never seen a charver or the equivalent in london?? where exactly have you been clubbing in london mate?? where else in the country you been...
At the end of the day Alun, you know my uncle's pal runs the monkey and every time Ive took u down pallion road he's always let you in for nout n...
its awsome... one of the few good things here!!:)
mickey mouse world is right.... and trust me... you aint missing out on a damn thing.... just the occasional mosquito... at least its warm i...
its some ''cajun'' day.... i live in louisiana at the moment mate.... god knows how hard i'm trying to get home!! its not even a national...
its cool... know how you feel.... got a 16month old and 3 year old running around all over, wife's at work, i had to take the day off.....
eh...??? wasn't trying to have a go... was just trying to come up with suggestions to lagers that were possibly still made in england....
i'm torn.... coz i know i'd play for free to 3 geezers and a dog.... but if it was my main job.. don't think i'd be too happy about working for...
isn't ace english?? :lol: :lol: i think kestrel is too.
:) :chill:
and it fucking sucks when shit happens in clubs... its happened to me before, and to people i know.. and it ruins your night... all i was trying...
well i think wires got crossed.....:) getting done in = getting drunk,high,messed up on drugs.... what ever floats your boat....!! dunno what...
can't remember what the place next to the highpoint is called... but used to pick up from all them places mate... they all get free taxi's with...
aaaah yes billy tweedy... he burnt the houses down next to the queens right??? and lenor on the sea front... hahahaha... thats where jonny decker...
pretty much... they all live in b&bs.
i know who you mean.. but i can't remember his name... i used to drive a taxi for eastcoast/foxhunters so i used to get them in a lot of the time...
thats the boy... couldn't remember his name... dunno if he still sits there like!!
anyone remember the name of the fella who used to sit outside the marriners arms in north shields and always had his trusty bottle of QC...
Separate names with a comma.