were going i think.. scored some freebies..
ha.... see you at the front around 11?... i'll be the one kicking you..
were going to ditch stu in soho on friday.. so go where you want.. ;)
apparantly smog van count works in the goose now.. i'll have a look in after landan on sat morning and cause some bother..
you and duncan can be crazy best pals then..
£10 you'll be stumbling around near the front by yourself dribbling by 11?.. or miller... either way its a safe bet :wink:
it'll die... ;) im onto w800i #4 now... :lol: holding out for the new ones in july..
you filled the 500mb one you get with it already?.. too much porn thats easily stolen via bluetooth eh?.. i had a gig card in mine but it...
and again..
shit.. pick it back up when you next go clothes shopping eh?
i'll have a wander down sometime.. i want my bowling ball ;)
i'll do you a swap.. some videos for the fosters you left at mine the other week.. nobodys gona drink that shite - there taking up stella space...
happy bday :up: ¬
can your dad pick us up as well.. :think:
get it mulitmapped :up: :wink:
someone text me where it is and me and liam will have a drive up for glazbys set then leave... we'll bring some stella 'n that.. deal? ;)
camp brid empty your box mate... :funky:
he's getting pushed off if hes not jumped by 4.15... :)
colour in your skin = sunbeds.. still into your sig tho?... :laugh:
baaaa... you know when im out.. then i might come down to see the new clean you...
Separate names with a comma.