hahaha....its all bein redeveloped. they changin everythin execpt the domes...gunna be quite big so they can host events n stuff.
nah.....it portayed ALL girls as drunken fuk wits!! lol!! no matter where they were from....showin their arses n stuff to the camera... .....i...
does anybody want these clothes or not? oi pikeus....start your own thread for your orange fur!!:P
couldnt care less really if theres crap posts i dont read em
out with the girls? who watched this programme last nite??? i found it utterly hilarious!! i had no idea whitley bay was so bad! remind me...
;) exactly!!! hehehe!! covering snookers even better wen they bend over the table!! mmmmmmmmmmmmm.....heheheh!!
wots a dr atkins diet??? and y u on it? ur thin.
yup!! gotta cover it for the paper so il be sat still gettin cold rather than jumpin round keepin warm :(
tiz gunna be crazy tonite!! and so so loud!!
couldnt be better! have everythin ive ever wanted/needed rite here :)
There is 1 Person with the name Jayne Emsley. This name is unique like a yeti or some form of Magic Chimp wooohooo!:D
:rolleyes: o rolls off the tongue easier:chill: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
some1 please remind me wen the birthday is :)
help quick!! lol!
is this andy griffin? x
he looks like hes just smoked all those fags in the ashtray! bless
some1 planted it there eh?? so it wouldnt be black and ORANGE fur then would it?? or was that welliphants colour, i cant rememeber!!
theyr muffins in manchester....but muffins in essex mean 'womans biff' so u can imagine how embarrassin for my friend it was wen i went into a...
well and truely the only regret i had is that i went n spent loadsa money on stuff just before i went thro my 'transformation':mad:
Separate names with a comma.