yes indeed
Proximus cant find me vinyl - where can i buy a 320k from? also, i dont know which mix i like, but the vocal turns in to a synth, starts...
practicing for christmas or do you lot do hip hop as well?
:lol: :up:
weeks? fookin hell! that would drive me insane working on a track that long! i start to get really bored after a couple of days :D sounds...
what venue was used like?
you gonna get a new camera phone when you sell it?
good idea, get the board closed down for file sharing :up:
i have to say rob, that underworld/camisra video/mix did fuck all for me like
The "gold-faced" ones are only given out to DMC World Champions. I dont think you'll see a pair of those on ebay (most of the word champions are...
The ones in the ebay ad are the GLD model from 2004. The ones you seen on your paper round were the LTD model from 1998 :)
Ableton 8.0.2 is out now, loads of bug fixes and improvements :up: or wait for air ;)
Technics decks for sale... $5k! not mine, but check these bad lads oot!...
ha great :) finishing them is half the battle try side chaining the vocals and eq them at around 2k to bring out the snap a bit more...
nice kick, good sound bass comes in too loud/abrupt at 30secs synth opens out nice extra perc that starts at 115 takes too long to do anything...
that is a clear sign that promoters have used all the original ideas up (that they took from the late 80s) and are too bone idle to come up with...
its still classed as a bug ridden beta mate, dont try it if you have any doubts release candidate doesnt mean its ready, it means they think it...
52% for me - looking forward to having a look later today totally bypassed vista - tried it a couple of times but its not compatible with half...
Windows 7 for those of you who have a spare drive lying around and want to check out the new windows, they've add the RC1 (release candidate 1)...
Gary, i read up to page 5 then got sick of reading. really put me in a bad mood to be honest i've seen a few of the lads on here selling tickets,...
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